We believe that every garden should be delightful to be in.

We create outdoor spaces that support a deeper connection with native plants and pollinators by bringing them into our daily lives through the playful and thoughtful approach we bring to our design, installation, and management processes.

The core of our business is an approach referred to as Ecological Landscaping.

We bring together ecological and environmental sciences with best practices in landscape design and management to craft gardens that work with nature and support healthier environments for our clients and local pollinators and wildlife.

Our knowledge of these complex systems and our experience working with them allows us to balance our clients needs and goals for their gardens with the potential for those gardens to enhance their local ecosystem.

Through this process, we create vibrant gardens, alive with the sounds and colors of native flora and fauna that can be enjoyed throughout all seasons.

Our Services

  • Good design, in our view, is both an act of service and storytelling. Our designs are inspired by natural systems and native habitats and then adapted to fit each unique property. We listen to your goals and needs and then thoughtfully craft landscape plans that both meet those needs and respond to the existing ecology and character of your property.

    Generally, this process includes layout plans for hardscapes and other outdoor living spaces, and always our unique native plant designs. Combining these two elements enhances the experience of the garden and makes sure your outdoor spaces work for you.

    We provide landscape design services for our own installations and can additionally provide planting plans and design concepts for those interested in doing plantings themselves.

  • We offer full-service installation services for modern landscapes. We believe that transitioning in-house from design to installation is critical to maintaining a continuity of the vision we establish with you in the design process. It also ensures that any adaptations to the design required through installation are done so with both your needs and best ecological practices in mind.

    Installing native gardens requires specialized care and we work diligently to ensure that process is done with integrity and responsibly.

    We do provide installation services based on an estimate and proposal, where a design is deemed unnecessary for budgetary reasons or because of scope of work.

    We take strides to minimize any disturbance to the landscape through our installation process to reduce soil compaction, waste generation, and erosion.

  • Food is medicine and connecting with what and how we eat is a big part of Wildcraft Landscapes’ mission to support community & connection to nature.

    If you identify that you are interested in incorporating the abundance of edible native plants into your landscape, Nate’s professional Permaculture Design Certification equips him to design food forests and edible landscaping for your space, big or small. Importantly, we will help you understand the specialized care required to grow these plants.

    Vegetable gardens have so much to offer towards a more sustainable, connected, and healthier community. Nate has a wealth of experience farming, growing vegetables, and planning vegetable gardens and can help you make a veggie garden apart of your lifestyle.

    We can prepare areas for vegetable gardens, install raised beds in a wide range of styles, install garden enclosures, and help establish composting systems.


  • Planning for how water moves through the landscape is foundational to every project we are involved with.

    Stormwater runoff is an incredibly powerful force with a large impact on the ecosystems on the other end of our rain gutters and storm drains. Efforts taken on the landscape to store water and slow it down therefore not only support the health of our yards but those of our downstream neighbors.

    We design and install using best practices, rain gardens, dry creek beds, wildlife ponds, and rain cisterns to help manage stormwater and erosion and create unique habitats that help to naturally reduce mosquito populations.

  • Hardscapes and outdoor living spaces serve to help you interact with your garden more comfortably and accessibly whether paths and patios, or fire pits and pergolas.

    It is important to consider that all of these elements have an environmental footprint by how they are quarried, harvested, manufactured or shipped. When they are installed, they further effect the movement of water in the landscape.

    As such we thoughtfully consider the environmental impact of these materials and think critically about how we introduce them into the landscape.

    To minimize the environmental footprint associated with hardscapes, we can also work with you to extend or connect your existing outdoor living spaces to better integrate them with your needs.

    We look for opportunities to re-use and repurpose materials and source locally where possible. At times doing so is limited by availability and the cost of more sustainable materials. In these instances, we look to offset that impact and carefully handle these materials to ensure their longevity.

    We can install patios, timber retaining walls, stone walls, garden fences, arbors, flagstone paths - all the things to make your space work in the way you need it to.

    Where projects are beyond the scope of our team, we collaborate with a network of contractors, landscapers, masons, and other craftspersons.

  • A garden is a living mosaic of different colors and patterns. For properties big or small it is important to always be considering how time, weather patterns, and weed pressure will interact with the maturation of your landscape.

    We take the same approach to maintenance as we do to design and work to ensure that as your landscape establishes it still meets your goals and conservation values.

    With this perspective in mind, we provide full-service garden maintenance including weeding, mulching, plant replacements, and monitoring for disease and health of plants.

    Where large scale invasive species pressure is a concern, we work with our clients to develop appropriate management plans and contract our services to help restore native habitats.

    We can help you convert turf, pasture, or crop fields to native meadows as well as with the reestablishment of native understory to replace invasive plants.

  • Whether new and starting out into ecological gardening or looking to expand your knowledge regarding horticulture and gardening practices, we understand that many want to develop and manage their own gardens.

    We can provide consultations and regular visits to help you develop your skills to be your own gardener and develop your own vision for your space.

  • The experience and expertise Nate has accumulated over the years with regard to landscaping with native plants, permaculture, and horticultural practices is something that Wildcraft Landscapes is committed to sharing. We want as many people as possible gardening ecologically and with native plants .

    To that end, we sponsor events in the community, native planting projects, and Nate also teaches workshops on various topics related to ecological and native gardening. Sign up for our newsletter for hear about opportunities to connect with that work and learn more about working in your own garden.